Chinese massotherapy is a frontline therapy for gastrointestinal disorders. Used in combination with healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and herbal remedies, it provides relief for indigestion, constipation, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and many other conditions that affect the stomach and intestines.
Chinese medicine sees the body as a unified energy system. The body contains energy highways called meridians. These meridians transport “chi” (energy flow) throughout the body. A free circulation of chi equals a free and unobstructed flow of blood to all parts of the body. This flow enhances health and prevents disease.
Chinese massotherapy is an integral part of Chinese medicine. Like Tai Chi and Chi Kung, it helps the body self-regulate and achieve optimum wellness without the use of drugs or other intrusive therapies.
Also known as Tuina (“push-pull”), Chinese massotherapy employs hand techniques such as shaking, lifting, pinching, rolling, tapping, and acupressure (finger pressure on acupoints; acupressure works like acupuncture, but without the needles).
Chinese massotherapy helps the body achieve optimum wellness without the use of drugs
Relief from Constipation
Chinese medicine considers constipation an imbalance in the liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, large intestine, and stomach, caused by a lack of water and excessive heat in the body. It views the respiratory, digestive, and elimination systems as three burners called the “triple burner.” Constipation is seen as a blockage in the elimination or “lower” burner.
Tuina for constipation includes Tai Chi circles (circular abdominal massage) and acupressure on specific acupoints to help the elimination process. Acupressure on the bladder and kidney meridians helps to boost water circulation. Massage strokes bring heat to the skin surface and expel it. Once the lower burner is brought into balance constipation is relieved.
Relief from IBS
IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome comes in two major forms: diarrhea-based or constipation-based IBS. Chinese medicine considers these two forms either a problem of excess water in the lower burner (diarrhea) or excess fire in the lower burner (constipation). Organs affected are the spleen, liver, large intestine and stomach.
Tuina increases the circulation of water in the body where there is excessive heat. It dries out the body where there is excessive water. Massage treatments release excessive heat through the skin, and excessive water through the kidneys. Tuina hand techniques—including acupressure on the large intestine and liver acupoints—also move toxins to the lymphatic system to be expelled. This further helps to restore a natural healthy balance to the internal organs, which in turn helps remedy both forms of IBS.
Relief from Indigestion
Indigestion has many causes. Among the most common are stress, lack of exercise, and a poor diet. Stress-induced indigestion is quickly and effectively remedied by Tuina. Exercise and dietary changes, quitting smoking, and reducing or eliminating alcohol also usually help to resolve indigestion—and Tuina can help. Case studies have shown that acupressure on the stomach, spleen and other acupoints can help relieve most forms of indigestion.
Chinese massotherapy has been a gentle, non-intrusive, and drug-free medical treatment for gastrointestinal disorders for more than 2,500 years. Consult a registered Chinese massotherapist for an effective and natural solution to your indigestion, constipation, IBS or other stomach or intestinal condition.